My Hats-


Though I do not like wearing hats very much, metaphorically speaking I wear many hats during the day. I am a daughter, a sister, a friend, a dancer, and a student every day. These roles are what make me who I am today.

A Daughter-

My mom and dad mean the world to me and I love being their daughter. My mom and dad have made me who I am today. My mom and I are a lot alike. We have always been very close. She and I have always danced together and we would spend so much time together in the car driving to and from the dance studio. Now that I have my license we don't get to talk as much and it is a lot different. We see each other for about 10 minutes everyday when I get home from dance around 9:30. My dad has always called me by my nickname, Tink, ever since I was a little girl. I am definitely a "Daddy's Little Girl." My parents mean the world to me.

A Sister-

I have one brother, Matt. He is 19 and a freshmen at Ohio Northern University. We have never been really close but he has influenced my life greatly. We go through hard times together and even though we don't get to talk very often we are always there for each other. He has taught me what to do and what not to do. Although he may not be the greatest person to look up to, he is a great brother and I have learned from his mistakes.

A Friend-

My friend's are who made me who I am today. They influence my decisions that I make everyday. My friend's are always there for me when I need them, and I am always there for them in return. I have some of the greatest friend's I could ever ask for. A few girls who are always there for me are Sam, Rachel, and Meghan. I have recently figured out who my real friend's are and these 3 girls are what I would consider "real friend's". Meghan always knows how to put a smile on my face, Rachel listens to me when I need her and help's me out in times of trouble, and Sam is my best friend. Sam is always there for me no matter what. She make's me smile everyday and has a way of making me feel good about myself. We are not just best friend's forever, we consider ourselves sister's. She is younger then me, but because of our age difference it is hard to get into fight's with each other. We never have drama and we can listen to each other when we need someone to talk to. I know that whatever I tell her she won't judge me. Sam is a a true best friend. Although these are my 3 greatest friend's I try to be a friend to everyone. Friend's are very important people in my life.

A Dancer-

Dance is one of the things who makes me who I am. If I am not at school or hanging with my best friend I am dancing. I dance at Ginny's Danceworks about 20 hours a week. I take many different styles of dance including; Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Musical Theatre, Chechetti, Lyrical, Pointe, Hip-Hop, and Acro. I am also on the competition team at Ginny's Danceworks. I have competed with a solo for the last 5 years. My favorite style of dance is pointe because even though I may not look like a professional ballerina I feel like one when I am on pointe. I feel like one of those spinning ballerina's in little girls jewelry boxes. Being a dancer has also allowed me to be in musicals. I have been in 7 musicals, a few of them being; Suessical the Musical, Beauty and the Beast, and Annie. I love performing on stage and being in the spotlight.

A Student-

Being a student is a big part of many lives, but being a good student is a choice. I believe that being a student has helped me improve with other aspects of my life outside of school. I strive for good grades in all my classes. I have a 3.8 grade point average and I am very proud of that because of how hard I work towards that. I am a perfectionist, so all my papers and projects have to be to the best of my ability. School isn't my favorite place to be, but I believe that if I try hard now I can get anywhere in life later.